The exact cause of ADHD isn't known.
Experts do know that there are changes in the brains of people with the condition. ADHD is not caused by home or school situations or by poor parenting.
Here's what the experts know:
Research has shown that there is no evidence that ADHD is caused by:
The symptoms of ADHD include inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that are inappropriate for age.
There are three different types of ADHD. Combined ADHD (the most common type) includes all of the symptoms. Inattentive ADHD is marked by impaired attention and concentration and hyperactive-impulsive type is marked by hyperactivity without inattentiveness.
To help recognize ADHD, understand that some symptoms that cause impairment must be present before age seven years and some impairment from the symptoms must be present in more than one setting (like home and school or home and work). Also, there must be clear evidence of interference of functioning due to the symptoms at home, in social or work environments.
Symptoms of ADHD
Inattention may not become apparent until a child enters the challenging environment of elementary school. In adults, symptoms may manifest in work or in social situations.
A person with ADHD may have some or all of the following symptoms.
The symptoms of hyperactivity may be apparent in very young preschoolers and are nearly always present before the age of seven. Symptoms include:
Hyperactivity may vary with age and developmental stage.
Toddlers and preschoolers with ADHD tend to be constantly in motion, jumping on furniture and having difficulty participating in sedentary group activities (such as listening to a story).
School-age children display similar behavior, but with less frequency. They are unable to remain seated, squirm a lot, fidget or talk excessively.
In adolescents and adults, hyperactivity may manifest itself as feelings of restlessness and difficulty engaging in quiet sedentary activities.
Symptoms of impulsivity include:
Impulsivity may lead to accidents (knocking over objects, banging into people, etc). Children with ADHD may also engage in potentially dangerous activities without consideration for the consequences (climbing to precarious positions).
Many of these symptoms occur from time to time in normal youngsters. However, in children with ADHD they occur frequently, at home and at school, or when visiting with friends, and they interfere with the childs ability to function normally.
ADHD is diagnosed after children consistently display some or all of these behaviors in at least two settings, such as at home and in school, for at least six months.
Long-Term Outlook
Some children with ADHD (approximately 20-30%) develop learning problems that may not improve with ADHD treatment. Hyperactive behavior can be is associated with the development of other disruptive disorders, particularly conduct and oppositional-defiant disorder. The reason for the relationship is not known.
Even though a great many children with this disorder ultimately adjust, some -- especially those with an associated conduct or oppositional-defiant disorder -- are more likely to drop out of school and fare more poorly in their later careers than children without ADHD.
Inattention tends to persist through childhood and adolescence into adulthood, while the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity tend to diminish with age.
As they grow older, some teens who have had severe ADHD since middle childhood experience periods of anxiety or depression.
There are several warning signs for ADHD that seem to get worse when demands at school or home increase. They are:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental and behavioral disorder that affects 3% to 5% of all school-age children.
Although the condition usually manifests in childhood, it can persist into adulthood, causing difficulties at home, at school and at work if not recognized and treated.
In fact, experts now estimate that ADHD affects about 60% of adults who had ADHD in childhood.
What Are the Symptoms?
The symptoms of ADHD include inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity that are inappropriate for a person's age level.
Children who have ADHD often:
Adults who have ADHD often:
Symptoms of ADHD in adults and children vary by individual and range from mild to severe.
What Causes ADHD?
The exact cause of ADHD isn't known.
Experts do know that there are changes in the brains of people with the condition. It is not caused by home or school situations or by poor parenting.
How Is ADHD Diagnosed?
There is no single test used to diagnose ADHD. It is diagnosed after a child has shown some or all of symptoms of ADHD on a regular basis for more than 6 months.
The diagnosis of ADHD involves the gathering of information from several sources, including school, caregivers, and parents. The health care provider will consider how a child's behavior compares with that of other children the same age.
The health care provider will also do a physical exam to look for any medical problems that may affect a child's behavior.
ADHD in adults is diagnosed using a similar process.
How Is ADHD Treated?
Although there is no cure for ADHD, treatment can help control symptoms. There are several types of treatments available.
Stimulant medications (or psychostimulants) have been used to successfully treat ADHD symptoms for many years. Stimulants are used to treat both moderate and severe ADHD in adults and children over age 6, with the exception of Adderal, Dexedrine, and Dextrostat, which can be safely used in children as young as age 3.
Stimulants used to treat ADHD include:
Nonstimulant Therapy
In November 2003, the FDA approved Strattera as the first nonstimulant treatment for ADHD. It is the first treatment approved to control ADHD symptoms in children, adolescents, and adults. In September 2005, the FDA issued a warning about the increased risk of suicidal thinking in children and adolescents taking Strattera. Doctors are advised to watch for this behavior and alter medications as needed.
Antidepressant Therapy
Several types of antidepressant drugs can be used to treat ADHD. Antidepressant therapy for ADHD is sometimes used as the initial treatment in children or adults who also suffer from significant depression. Antidepressants, however, are generally not as effective as stimulants or the newer nonstimulant treatments at improving attention span and concentration. It also may take 2-4 weeks for the full benefits of antidepressants to appear.
Note: In October 2004, The FDA has determined that antidepressant medications increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents with depression and other psychiatric disorders. If you have questions or concerns, discuss them with your health care provider. Learn more
Other Drugs
Two drugs, Catapres and Tenex, normally taken to treat high blood pressure, have been shown to be of some benefit for ADHD when used alone or in combination with stimulant drugs.
Behavior Management
Learning behavior management techniques is considered to be an essential part of any successful ADHD treatment program. Most experts agree that combining medication treatments with extended behavior management is the most effective way to manage ADHD in children and adolescents.
In adults with ADHD, experts agree that a combination of medication and socialization training and/or behavior management can help most patients.
We all have trouble sleeping from time to time. But you can make it easier to get a good night's sleep every night with these simple steps.
Some people find relief in making a list of all the stressors of the day, along with a plan to deal with them this can act as "closure" to the day. Combining this with a period of relaxation perhaps by reading something light, meditating, aromatherapy, light stretching, or taking a hot bath can also help you get better sleep. And don't look at the clock! That "tick-tock" will just tick you off.
Also, try not to drink anything after 8 p.m. This can keep you from having to get up to use the bathroom during the night.
港大研究利用基因工程技術,製造人造生物竇房結作為單獨或輔助治療心跳過慢的新方法。研究人員以豬隻作實驗,首先損毀豬隻心臟的竇房結,並植入起搏器以維持和監控心率,然後利用生物工程方法,使左心房的HCN 通道(即心肌細胞上可產生心跳的離子通道)產生基因轉導,產生人造生物竇房結。
研究發現,透過HCN 通道,能使心房再生出能夠運作,並可穩定地激發正常心率的人造生物竇房結,從而取代或補充植入於豬隻心臟內的心臟起搏器的作用。在注射兩星期後,獲進行基因轉導研究的動物,其正常心肌細胞分化變異,形成起搏細胞。這些細胞可以觸發心率,並與正常動物一樣,對應激變化作出反應。相反,沒有獲得基因轉導的動物,仍然要依靠心臟起搏器維持心率。
【摘 自】香港明報新聞
大多數種類的蛇毒中毒可以用抗蛇毒血清治癒。由免疫動物(特別是馬)製備的抗蛇毒血清,其有效程度視抗蛇毒血清的特異性、抗體的含量以及製品的濃度和純度而定。雖然對某一種蛇咬傷,使用特定的抗蛇毒血清治療效果會更佳,但有些抗蛇毒血清可治療各種有關的蛇毒,例如,虎蛇(Notechis scutatus)蛇毒血清對其他幾種蛇毒同樣也是有效的。參閱動物毒液(venom)條。
【摘 自】大英百科全書
唐寅出身於商人家庭,地位比較低下,在當世“顯親揚名”主導下,刻苦學習,11歲就文才極好,並寫得一手好字。16歲中秀才,29歲參加南京應天鄉試,獲中第一名“解元”。次年赴京匯考,“功名富貴”指日可待. 與他同路趕考的江陰大地主徐經,暗中賄賂了主考官的家僮,事先得到試題。事情敗露,唐寅也受牽連下獄,遭受刑拷淩辱。自此才高自負的唐寅對官場的“逆道”產生了強烈的反感。性格、行為流於放浪不羈。 唐寅與同鄉“狂生”張靈交友,縱酒不視諸生業,後在好友祝允明規勸下,才發奮讀書,決心以詩文書畫終其一生。
藝 術 風 格:
唐寅性格狂放不羈,在繪畫中則獨樹一幟,自成一路。他行筆秀潤縝密,具瀟灑 清逸的韻度。他的山水畫大多表現雄偉險峻的重山復嶺,樓閣溪橋,四時朝暮的江山勝景,有的描寫亭榭園林,文人逸士優閒的生活。山水人物畫,大幅氣勢磅薄,小幅清雋瀟灑,題材面貌豐富多樣。人物畫多描寫古今仕女生活和歷史故事
唐寅在詩詞中有其獨創的成就,其詩真切平易,不拘成法,大量採用口語,意境 警拔清新,對人生、社會常常懷著岸傲不平之氣。如《把酒對月歌》中:“我愧雖無李白才,料應月不嫌我醜;我也不登天子船,我也不上長安眠;姑蘇城外一茅屋,萬枝桃花月滿天。”又如詩雲:“萬事由天莫強求,何需苦苦用機謀;飽三餐飯常知足, 得一帆風便可收。生事事生何時了,害人人害幾時休;冤家宜解不宜結,各自回頭看後頭。”反映出消極宿命論的情緒。